
Deepfake Fact Note

Deepfake Bilgi Notu Deepfake Fact Note

Deepfake Fact Note

On 19.01.2024, the Personal Data Protection Authority (“Authority”) prepared a Deepfake Information Note in order to better understand what Deepfake technology (“Deepfake”)(deep fiction or deep fake), which is formed from the words deep learning and fake, is, and the relevant information note includes information on the definition of Deepfake, what it is used for, the threats it poses to personal data, how it can be detected and what individuals and institutions can do against Deepfake technology. The main points in the Information Note can be summarized as follows:

  • In the information note shared by the organization, information on the definition of the concept of deep fake, what it does, what kind of threat it poses to people, what are the necessary ways to detect it and what to do against the threats brought by deep fake technology was shared.
  • It is also stated that Deepfake technology combines personal data such as audio and video with different personal data to create mixed content that is not real but contains real data. In this case, Deepfake content risks the emergence of crimes and misdemeanors related to personal data.
  • Another point that the organization draws attention to is the threats posed by deepfake technology. In this respect, by creating fake videos and fake voices, threats such as manipulation, financial damage, cyberbullying, fraud are created, especially for children and the elderly today.
  • On the other hand, the memorandum also provides ways to distinguish deepfake technology. For example, to determine whether a piece of content is deepfake or not, it is important whether the person in the video has unnatural eye movements or blinks.
  • In addition, an explanation has been made on how real and legal persons will take precautions against deepfake technology. In this context; for real persons, deepfake technology mostly uses facial and voice data. For this reason, real persons should show sensitivity in sharing content while sharing on social media platforms. For organizations, network and cyber security operations should be managed effectively, a central reporting and monitoring unit should be established, internal communication channels should be developed and the connection with the public relations department should be maintained.
  • In addition to these, anti-deepfake applications software should be developed for social media and content provider platforms.

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