
Combating Discrimination and Harassment in the Workplace

İşyerinde Ayrımcılık Combating Discrimination

Combating Discrimination and Harassment in the Workplace

Discrimination and harassment in the workplace is one of the most serious problems that employees may face in the workplace. Such behaviors negatively affect both the psychological and physical health of employees and workplace productivity. Combating discrimination and harassment in the workplace is a shared responsibility of both employers and employees. In this article, we will discuss what discrimination and harassment in the workplace is, the legal regulations and how to combat such situations.

What is Discrimination in the Workplace?

Discrimination is when a person is treated differently because of their gender, age, race, ethnic origin, religion, disability, sexual orientation or other personal characteristics. Discrimination in the workplace can take the form of unequal treatment in recruitment, promotion, salary, dismissal and other working conditions. In Turkey, there are various legal regulations to prevent discrimination in the workplace.

What is Workplace Harassment?

Harassment is when an employee is subjected to offensive or threatening behavior. These behaviors can be physical, verbal or psychological. Workplace harassment can take various forms, such as sexual harassment, bullying or mobbing. Harassment makes the working environment for employees hostile and unsafe.

Legal Regulations and Rights

Turkish Labor Law: The Labor Law adopts the principle of equal treatment in the workplace. Employers cannot discriminate between employees and must pay equal pay for equal work. They are also obliged to prevent employees from being discriminated against on the basis of gender, race, religion or other personal characteristics.

Turkish Penal Code: Sexual harassment and other forms of harassment are defined as crimes in the Turkish Penal Code. Employees who are subjected to such behavior can file a criminal case.

Occupational Health and Safety Law: This law aims to protect the health and safety of workers at work. Employers are obliged to take measures to prevent harassment and discrimination in the workplace.

Ways to Combat Discrimination and Harassment in the Workplace

Combating discrimination and harassment in the workplace requires the active participation of employers and employees. Here are some suggestions to combat such situations:

1. Develop Policies and Procedures

Establish written policies and procedures to prevent discrimination and harassment in the workplace. These documents should clearly set out the rights of employees and the responsibilities of the employer. The policies and procedures should include a zero-tolerance policy against discrimination and harassment.

2. Organize Training and Awareness Programs

Conduct regular training and awareness programs for employees and managers. These programs should provide information on the definition and signs of discrimination and harassment and how to deal with such situations.

3. Establish Effective Grievance Mechanisms

Establish mechanisms for employees to safely report complaints of discrimination and harassment. Ensure that complaints are handled promptly and fairly. Protect the confidentiality of complaints and prevent retaliation.

4. Offer Support and Consulting Services

Offer support and counseling services to employees who experience discrimination and harassment. These services can help workers to feel safe and cope with their problems.

5. Internal Audit and Monitoring

Establish internal audit mechanisms to monitor and analyze cases of discrimination and harassment in the workplace. Conduct regular employee satisfaction surveys to assess the atmosphere in the workplace and take necessary measures.

Combating discrimination and harassment in the workplace is critical to improving both employee well-being and workplace productivity. Employers should develop effective policies and procedures to prevent discrimination and harassment and provide training and support to employees. Employees should know their rights and not remain silent when they are subjected to discrimination or harassment. It is everyone’s responsibility to create a fair, safe and respectful working environment at work. For more information and legal support, please contact us.

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