
Administrative Fines in 2024 within the Scope of Law on Protection of Personal Data

KVKK Kapsamında 2024 Yılı İdari Para Cezaları Law on Protection of Personal Data

Administrative Fines in 2024 within the Scope of Law on Protection of Personal Data

The Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data (“Law”) increased the administrative fine amounts for 2024 by 58.46% in line with the revaluation rate determined for the year 2024 with the General Communiqué No. 554 of the Tax Procedure Law published in the Official Gazette dated November 25, 2023 and numbered 32380. This increase entered into force with the announcement dated 05.01.2024.

Article 18 of the Law regulates administrative fines to be imposed on data controllers who breach personal data by failing to comply with their obligations. The administrative fines regulated under the Law are imposed on natural persons and private legal entities who are data controllers. These fines are imposed to emphasize the importance of personal data protection and to encourage data controllers to comply with the legislation.

The annual updating of administrative fines aims to increase the effectiveness of the legislation on the protection of personal data. As a result of this increase, data controllers will act more diligently and carefully in complying with the legislation.

Liabilities 2024 Lower Limit 2024 Upper Limit
Breach of the Obligation to Inform Art.18/1-a, 10 47.303,00 TRY 946.308,00 TRY
Breach of Data Obligation Art.18/1-b, 12 141.934,00 TRY 9.463.213,00 TRY
Failure to Fulfill Board Decision Art. 18/1-c, 15 263.557,00 TRY 9.463.213,00 TRY
Violation of VERBIS Registration and Notification Obligation Art.18/1-ç, 16 189.245,00 TRY 9.463.213,00 TRY

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