
Power of Attorney in the Event of Death of the Principal

Asilin Ölmesi Halinde Vekalet İlişkisi Event of Death

Power of Attorney in the Event of Death of the Principal

The power of attorney contract, which is one of the named and typical contracts regulated under the Turkish Code of Obligations, is expanding day by day in terms of scope due to economic and sociological developments. In the words of Article 502 of the Turkish Code of Obligations, “An agency contract is a contract in which the agent undertakes to perform an act or transaction of the principal.” Power of attorney contracts are bilateral contracts; on one side of the contract is the attorney and on the other side is the principal. The termination of the proxy relationship will occur voluntarily with the unilateral termination of the contract by one of the parties; and automatically with death, loss of capacity and bankruptcy.

According to Article 513/f.1 of the Turkish Code of Obligations No. 6098 (“TCO”), “Unless it is otherwise understood from the contract or the nature of the work, the contract automatically terminates upon the death of the agent or the principal.” As a rule, in the event of death, the power of attorney agreement terminates automatically, without the need for an explicit declaration of intent by the parties.

It should not be forgotten that if the personal qualities of one of the parties are taken into consideration in entering into an obligation, the power of attorney contract ends upon death.

Pursuant to Article 513/f.1 of the TCO, it is understood that the termination of the power of attorney agreement upon the death of the principal or agent may be agreed otherwise in the agreement, and thus the agreement will continue with the heirs of the deceased party. Such a provision in the Power of Attorney Agreement mostly arises in the event of the death of the principal. This is because, if the principal dies, it is often not possible for his heirs to continue the work. In addition, the parties may also tacitly agree that the obligation to perform work continues after death. In such a case, it is necessary to prove that there is an implicit agreement. Sometimes, the nature of the work may require the continuation of the obligation to perform work despite death. This may be the case especially for the activities carried out by brokerage houses and banks.

It is possible for the parties to agree that the power of attorney contract will continue after death or that the power of attorney will commence upon death. Of course, it is possible for the heirs of the deceased contracting party and the surviving contracting party to ensure the continuation of the power of attorney contract by agreement between them. However, in order for it to be agreed in the contract that the power of attorney will not end upon death, the nature of the work subject to the contract must be suitable for this.

If one of the parties dies during the proceedings, it is not possible for the deceased person or his/her attorney to continue the case. For this reason, only the heirs will be able to continue the case. In this case, the heirs follow the case themselves, not as the attorney of the heir. For this reason, this relationship in the trial situation is not an attorney relationship.

As a result, unless otherwise agreed, the power of attorney relationship ends with death, but the contrary may be agreed to the extent permitted by the circumstances of the concrete case. Exceptionally, if the parties agree otherwise in the contract or due to the nature of the work, the power of attorney contract will continue in the event of the death of one of the parties.

As a matter of fact, the 1st Civil Chamber of the Court of Cassation No. 2008/1538 E., 2008/5664 K. dated 06.05.2008

“…As it is known, according to the provisions of the Code of Obligations regulating the contract of representation and agency, the contract of agency is based on the mutual trust of the parties. As a natural consequence of this, the rights and obligations arising from the power of attorney contract are strictly bound to the personality of the parties. The principal chooses a person who bears his/her trust and gives instructions on the manner in which the work is to be performed. The death of the principal terminates the power of attorney contract since it will eliminate the will and interest that dominate the way the work is performed, and even make the continuation of the task impossible. However, if it is agreed in the contract that the contract of attorneyship will continue after death or if it is understood from the nature of the work, it is clearly emphasized in the Case Law Unification Decision dated 07.12.1940 and numbered 1938/20 Esas-1940/87 decision that the contract of attorneyship will continue. Scientific opinions have also developed in this direction. As a matter of fact, this principle is stated in Article 397/1 of the same law, which is equivalent to Article 35 of the Code of Civil Procedure, as follows: “Unless the contrary is understood from the agreement or the nature of the work, the attorneyship ends with the death of both the attorney and the principal.” as explained as follows.

As a matter of fact, the 12th Civil Chamber of the Court of Cassation dated 20.03.2014 and numbered 2014/5786 E., 2014/8187 K;

“According to Article 513/1 of the Turkish Code of Obligations No. 6098 (Article 397/1 of the Law No. 818), since the proxy relationship will end with the death of the proxy giver, the proxy (attorney) authorized by the power of attorney issued by the proxy giver in his health cannot file a lawsuit (follow-up) on his behalf after the death of the proxy giver. This issue is related to public order and is subject to an indefinite complaint. The objection made to the enforcement office in this regard does not prevent the filing of a complaint to the enforcement court.”


1.Sözleşme Dolayısıyla Vekalet İlişkisinin Devam Etmesi:

Taraflar sözleşme ile vekalet sözleşmesinin ölümden sonra da devam edebileceğini ya da vekaletin ölümle birlikte başlayacağını (mandatum post mortem) kabul edebilirler. Burada kabul etmek gerekir ki, ölen tarafın mirasçıları ile sağ kalan taraf aralarında anlaşarak vekalet ilişkisinin devamını sağlayabilirler.

Tarafların, vekalet ilişkisi kurarken sözleşmenin ölümle sona ermemesini kararlaştırabilmesi için işin niteliğinin buna uygun olması gerekir. Örneğin, vekilin borcu şahsen ifası gereken ya da uzmanlığını gerektiren durumlarda işin niteliği sözleşmenin ölümden sonra da devamına uygun olmadığından, sözleşme ile bunu karar kılmaları da mümkün olmayacaktır.

Taraflar vekaletin ölümle başlayacağını kabul ettiklerinde ise vekalet, ölümden sonra icra edilecektir. Mandatum Post Mortem adı verilen bu ölümden sonra etkili vekaletin hukukî niteliği doktrinde tartışmalıdır. Bu kurumu, vekaletin vekalet verenin ölümünden sonra sözleşme gereği devam ettiği bir hâl olarak değerlendiren yazarlar bulunduğu gibi vekaletin ölümle sona ermediği bir hâl olarak değerlendiren yazarlar da vardır. Doktrindeki bu iki görüş şu şekilde bağdaştırılabilir: “Müvekkilin ölümünden sonra görülecek iş için yapılan vekalet sözleşmesinde, açıkça ölümün vekaletle sona ermeyeceği belirtilmişse, vekalet ilişkisi sözleşme gereği devam eder; böyle bir açıklama yoksa işin mahiyeti vekaletin son bulmamasını gerektirir.

2.İşin Niteliği Dolayısıyla Vekalet İlişkisinin Devam Etmesi:

İşin niteliği, açıkça vekalet ilişkisinin devamını gerektiriyorsa vekalet ilişkisi sona ermez. Burada somut olaya göre değerlendirme yapmak gerekir. Bu durumda eğer vekalet sözleşmesi hukuki işlemin yapılmasına yönelik ise, vekalet verenin ölümünden sonra işin niteliği gereği vekalet sözleşmesinin devam etmesi mümkündür. Ancak önemle belirtmek gerekir ki, inançlı vekalet söz konusu ise güven ilişkisi nedeniyle işin niteliği gereği sözleşme kural olarak sona ermelidir. Eğer vekalet sözleşmesi maddi fiillere ilişkin ise, şahsen ifa ile sorumlu tutularak verilen ya da uzmanlık gerektiren bir alanda verilen vekalet söz konusu ise yükümlü olan vekilin ölmesi hâlinde vekalet sözleşmesi işin niteliği gereği sona erecektir. Öte yandan vekalet sözleşmesi, üçüncü kişi yararına yapılmış ise söz konusu üçüncü kişi, edimin ifa edilmesini talep hakkına sahip olduğundan vekalet sözleşmesi sona ermez.


Tüm bu açıklamalar ışığında; 6098 Sayılı Türk Borçlar Kanunu uyarınca Vekalet Sözleşmesini sona erdiren sebeplerden bir tanesi ölümdür. Ancak bu sebep kanunda emredici olarak düzenlenmemiştir. Sözleşme gereği veya işin niteliği gereği aksi mümkün olup bu hâllerde vekalet ilişkisinin ölümle sona ermeyeceğinin kabulü gerekir.

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