
Division of Property in Divorce

Boşanmada Mal Paylaşımı Property in Divorce

Divorce and Property Sharing in Divorce: Legal and Social Dimensions

Divorce is a legal and social process related to the dissolution of the marriage union. One of the most important issues in this process is the division of property. The division of property in the divorce process is an important step for the solution of the financial relations between the couples. In this article, we will discuss the divorce and property division in divorce in detail.

What is Divorce and Property Sharing?

Divorce means the official termination of the marriage union. During the divorce process, couples have to share the property and assets they have accumulated during their marriage. There are legal processes and rules for this sharing to be done fairly.

How is the division of property during the divorce process?

The division of property in the divorce process is usually realized through the following steps:

Property Determination: As a first step, the assets owned by the couples are determined. These assets may include real estate, vehicles, bank accounts, investments and other tangible assets.

Property Valuation: The identified assets are valued. This valuation process is important for a fair and accurate division of property. The valuation process can be carried out by experts or by the court.

Property Sharing: According to the result of the valuation, the couple’s assets are divided fairly. Legally, a fair and balanced approach to property division is adopted during the divorce process.

Cases of Disagreement: In case of disagreement between the couples about the division of property, the court steps in. The court evaluates the evidence and evidence to make a fair decision.

Legal Rights and Responsibilities in Divorce and Property Division

Couples have legal rights and responsibilities during the divorce process. These rights and responsibilities ensure that the property acquired during the marriage is shared fairly. Legally, it is important that both parties are fairly evaluated and their rights are protected.

Social Impact of Divorce and Property Division

The divorce process has significant implications not only from a legal perspective but also from a social perspective. Disputes and conflicts during the property division process can affect the psychological and emotional health of couples and children. Therefore, it is important to get professional support and establish healthy communication during the divorce process.

Divorce and property division in divorce can be a complex process. However, when the right legal steps are taken and a fair approach is adopted, it is possible for couples to get through this process more easily. Getting professional support and having the right information can reduce the stress of the divorce process and provide a fair solution.

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